A project led by EVO to create a beachhead (Literally) for new corporate developments friendlier to those living on the fringes of the FDC.
To that end they procured the former national harbor (Out of favor due to its proximity to the Barrens) and have begun building up the area back the shopping district it use to be. Most of the area is mid to low end venues given the expected clientele with lax security to match, but two buildings standout, The Tower of the CDZ Leisureplex (The Former MGM), and EVO’s CDZ HQ, Babylon Arkoplex which was built over the Gaylord Convention center and features multiple levels of amenities from the indoor parks on the ground floor, to restricted high end venues on the upper segments. The way it is being built up suggest it might become a full fledged arcology one day. The harbor itself is loosely restricted (to prevent bustling) only allowing craft with legitimate business fronts to take up space, meaning only a few vessels remain harbored such Dr Siwa’s floating clinic the Taste of Medicine (On EVO’s public dock). Most other vendors prefer to set up shop on the market streets. River deliveries (personnel and materials) are handled through the new corporate harbor to the south.